Water de-ironers

De-ironing water for private houses and cottages are of two types. Reagent water iron removers and non-reagent water iron removers have a basic type of service with and without tableting salt, respectively. Each type of water deironing has its own advantages. In addition to iron, water deiron buyreagent water remover ironers remove hardness salts from water and some even manganese, but require more resources and maintenance forces (replenishment of tableted salt reserves). Reagent-free water deironing systems only need to replace the water filtering material once every five years, as in other reagent water deironing systems, but if you have water hardness salts in the water, then you will not get away from installing a water softener.water de iron and softening buy
Next, we pay attention to the dimensions of the water deferrization systems; reagent water iron removers take up almost half the space, which is especially important in those cottages where at the project stage no space was allocated for the boiler room. And some systems even go under the kitchen countertop (link).
Reagent water iron removers work on the basis of the principle of ion exchange, and Uneagent water de iron and water softening buy Kiyvwater iron removers work on the principles of catalectic oxidation of iron ions to iron oxides and hydroxides, often this requires an additional oxygen or ozone compressor supply.
The amount of filter material in the iron remover depends on the content of iron and hardness salts in your water, your daily water intake and the presence of a pool. Therefore, the main criteria when choosing a system of water deironing should be chemical analysis of water and the area of ​​equipment placement. In this case, it is necessary in the laboratory to clarify about the advanced analysis of iron content, where the content of ferrous iron and trivalent iron, i.e. its oxides. For reagent water iron removers, the limiting content of ferric iron should not exceed 0.5 mg / l, otherwise, due to the abrasion of the ion-exchange resin, the filtering bed will have to be changed more often.

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Complex cleaning Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

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Complex cleaning Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

Filtrons Украина

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

44,000.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5 50l CLACK WS1CK 1" - designed fo..

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

Filtrons Украина

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

26,450.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5 50l Runxin F116А3 1" - designed ..

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

Filtrons Украина

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

45,000.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5 62l CLACK WS1CI 1" - designed fo..

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

Filtrons Украина

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

49,500.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5 62l CLACK WS1CK 1" - design..

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

Filtrons Украина

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5...

36,000.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1354 BTS-70L Filtrons X5 62l Runxin F116А3 1" - desi..

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5...

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Complex cleaning Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5...

51,000.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5 75l CLACK WS1CI 1" - design..

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5...

Filtrons Украина

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5...

55,000.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5 75l CLACK WS1CK 1" - d..

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5...

Filtrons Украина

Complex cleaning Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5...

42,000.00 грн.

Complex purification of Filtrons 1465 BTS-100 Filtrons X5 75l Runxin F116А3 1" - desi..

Showing 1 to 9 of 74 (9 Pages)

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