Sterilight Canada buy

Sterilight water disinfectors are the flawless leaders in the market for the price-quality ratio. At the end of 2017g. Sterilight made a rebranding and now they are called Viqua, I do not know what it's all about, but now it's easy to distinguish the branded ultraviolet lamp Sterilight from a fake, because the Chinese Viqua logos have not yet begun to forge. From my own experience I do not recommend taking replacement Sterilight lamps with a white cap!

ультрафиолетовые обеззараживатели воды Sterilight


Now about the advantages of using ultraviolet water disinfectants Sterilight. The most important is the convenience, the UV lamp power supply will start signaling the need for a replacement in a few days, the service life is 365 days, while the operation of the Viqua water disinfection system will not end. The second important indicator is efficiency, ultraviolet rays do kill bacteria, it is important to change the quartz cover in time on the UV lamp of Viqua, otherwise, when it is covered with a touch of iron, limestone or other muck, the effectiveness of ultraviolet radiation decreases, directly proportional to the thickness of the plaque, progression. 

ультрафиолетовые обеззараживатели воды Sterilight


When choosing a model of the UV lamp Viqua Sterilight, it is important to consult with a specialist, because ordinary managers offer systems for maximum parameters, which is not always reasonable, because with a high concentration of microorganisms in water, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation should be forty joules, not thirty joules, which it is sufficient only if the water meets the sanitary standards. For example, the Viqua S5Q-PA Sterilight model with a maximum radiation intensity can process 1.8 m3 / h, and at a minimum of 2.3 m3 / h, the difference is quite noticeable.

In the product line of Viqua, ozonizers of water sterilight occupy a special place, although there are only two models, but they are unrivaled in terms of application and efficiency. Water sterilight water ozonizers are used to disinfect water in swimming pools, drinking water points, and also using the Ventura unit (or people's ejector), simply for quick disinfection of water. But that's not all, ozone is a very strong oxidizer, so in addition to disinfection, water sterilight ozonizers also oxidize iron dissolved in water, organic compounds, after which they can be effectively removed by mechanical water purification. Therefore, more often in systems of non-reagent deironing of water, not just air, namely ozone, obtained by ozonizers of water sterilight, is used.

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