Reverse osmosis buy

Reverse osmosis is a universal filter for purifying water to drinking water standards and even better. The reverse osmosis filter demineralizes water, i.e. it removes scale, removes all organic compounds and nitrates with nitrites that enter the water from the soil from water, removes iron from the water that abounds in wells. At the same time, the reverse osmosis filter provides bacteriological protection by removing all bacteria, viruses and cysts from the water. From this it follows that the reverse osmosis filter can be installed even without water analysis. But at the same time, the reverse osmosis filter is a very capricious and finicky technique that requires certain working conditions and regular maintenance.

Reverse osmosis buy

Let's start with the most important thing - this is the pressure in your water supply. Reverse osmosis buy The manufacturers instructions for the use of reverse osmosis indicate that the pressure in the water supply system must be at least three atmospheres and no higher than six atmospheres. Indeed, three atmospheres are enough for reverse osmosis to work, but at the same time it discharges a huge amount of water into the drainage. From practical measurements it follows that in order to comply with filtration standards (to obtain one liter of drinking water, draining into the sewer is from four to five liters), at least four atmospheres are necessary, and of course, it is clear that plastic can burst at a pressure above six atmospheres. Therefore, for private houses with autonomous water supply, it is necessary to use reverse osmosis systems with a pump, and for apartments in high-rise buildings, it is recommended to install pressure reducers complete with a pressure gauge to monitor readings and adjust pressure if necessary.

For water from individual wells with a high iron content, it is recommended to install not a standard set of pre-filters, but a special one, which oxidizes and precipitates iron, not allowing it to contaminate the reverse osmosis membrane.

An important parameter when choosing a reverse osmosis filter is the storage tank for clean water. Its size should fit your needs for clean water. With a small tank, you will constantly lack water, and with a large tank, the water will stagnate. But in any case, once a week it is necessary to empty the tank completely, in order to maintain working pressure in it and to prevent stagnation of water.

The last recommendation: to replace the membrane, post filter, minilizer, repair reverse osmosis, eliminate leaks, we recommend contacting professionals.

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