Water disinfection ultraviolet

Water disinfection ultraviolet

Water disinfection

Disinfection of water with ultraviolet radiation has been known to people for ultraviolet water disinfectantmany years, but only in the last 20-30 years, this technology has become widespread. Water disinfection by ultraviolet radiation takes place inside a stainless steel case, where an ultraviolet emitter is located in a protective quartz case. For effective disinfection, water must pass at a certain speed, which is indicated in the characteristics of the UV water disinfectant, otherwise the radiation dose will be ineffective. Disinfection of water by ultraviolet radiation implies the free passage of rays through a quartz cover and a layer of water, therefore, water must comply with standards for color, turbidity, hardness, iron content and some other indicators. That is why ultraviolet water disinfectants are installed last in the chain of water treatment systems.
Ultraviolet disinfection of water can be attributed to the method of ozonizing water, while using UV lamps with a different spectrum of radiation, which, acting on oxygen in the air, convert it into ozone. Since these water disinfection systems work according to the dosing principle, they are also used for closed or replenished systems. Such systems are pools and storage tanks (for example, the nearest water spill point). Compressors with check valves are used to disinfect water in such systems, and now there are special ejectors that suck ozone into the system, provided that water is circulated, which allows you to get rid of the compressor, automation and valve system. We also recommend using these ejectors in non-reagent water deironing systems.
uv water disinfectionThere are several manufacturers of ultraviolet water disinfection systems on our market, which can be divided into Chinese (Ecosoft, WonderLite, Crystal), Taiwanese (Raifil), Canadian (Viqua). And five manufacturers are already competition!
The main advantage of ultraviolet water disinfectants is their environmental friendliness and safety for health, because you no longer need to chlorinate water, there is no need for complex metering pumps and other equipment. At the initial high cost, maintenance of UV water disinfection systems is generally trifling, change the UV lamp once a year and the quartz cover every 5 years (provided that the water meets the manufacturer's requirements).
Our online store is the official partner of TM Crystal, TM Raifil and TM Viqua, therefore, by purchasing UV water disinfection systems, you will receive high-quality advice and selection of equipment, and, of course, an official guarantee for the equipment. As well as additional services: installation or dismantling of water disinfectants, replacement of UV lamps and quartz covers, post-warranty repair if necessary.

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