Waterboss Aquaphor buy

Waterboss aquaphor, a phrase that emerged from the integration of brands. It's just the Aquaphor concern, for many years it has been the representative of the American Hayk plant in the CIS and Baltic countries. Therefore, the softening and deferrization systems are called Waterboss Aquaphor, as it is written on the lid, to adapt the distribution in a specific region. Therefore, we forget about the myth that Waterboss Aquaphor softeners are assembled at the factories of the Aquaphor concern in Estonia or Russia. All Waterboss Aquaphor systems are assembled in the USA. For example, in Italy, each distributor of Waterboss filtration systems has their own prefix in the name. And in France, Waterboss water purification systems, externally, have nothing to do with the original Waterboss, but inside everything is identical. For the French, Waterboss water filtration systems come in a different color and with an enlarged brine tank.
Other products, such as water softeners Aquaphor 800 and Aquaphor 1000, are a joint project of the Hayk plant and the Aquaphor concern, or more precisely, the Hayk plant assembles inexpensive water softeners for the Aquaphor concern. The first deliveries of water softeners Aquaphor 800 and Aquaphor 1000 had quite a lot of childhood illnesses, such as poor assembly (the eaten sealed, or their absence, not kits - the absence of some units). Now all these problems have been fixed and there is no need to mess around with the installation and commissioning of the filtering equipment.

Aquaphor A800 or A1000. waterboss aquaphor kiev buy

Aquaphor waterboss Models 800 and 1000 have fully automatic processor control and demonstrate exceptional salt effi ciency and high iron removal. 

Systems employ innovative Dual Core Valves that increase regeneration. Efficient and durable soft ener tank contain extra fi ne mesh, tightly compacted, chlorine resistant ion-exchange resin. 

  • Aquaphor waterboss 1000 contains 28 liters of ion-exchange resin
  • Aquaphor waterboss  800 contains 23 liters of ion-exchange resin


  • Innovative two-cylinder head valve regulates water fl ow in and out of the soft ener tank. It has fewer parts, shorter and wider fl uid pathways, selfl ocking/self- pressurising mechanism.
  • Removal of high concentration of Fe (up to 15 ppm).
  • 10-year warranty.
  • Made in the USA.
  • NSF certifi cation pending.
  • Very low salt consumption.
  • Fast IER regeneration.
  • Easy installation and set-up. Minimum maintenance requirements.  


  • Simultaneous removal of iron, manganese and hardness.
  • Reliable fi ttings of stainless steel and the drain hose in the set.
  • Reliability and durability of all over the pressure range from 1.5 to 7 atm.

    waterboss aquaphor buy kiev

Water softener WaterBoss S550P waterboss aquaphor

Waterboss США

Water softener WaterBoss S550P waterboss aquaphor

37,999.00 грн.

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36,000.00 грн.

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Water softener Aquaphor S550

Аквафор Эстония

Water softener Aquaphor S550

37,999.00 грн.

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0.00 грн.

This product is not available, please pay attention to a similar product: Complex cleaning Filtrons ..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss A800 ак...

Аквафор Эстония

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss A800 ак...

0.00 грн.

This product is not available, please pay attention to a similar product: Complex cleaning Filtrons ..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S1000 P1 ...

Аквафор Эстония

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S1000 P1 ...

44,000.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 waterboss aquaphor. Aquaphor Profesional offers a wid..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S1000 ак...

Аквафор Эстония

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S1000 ак...

44,000.00 грн.38,499.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss S1000 waterboss aquaphor. Aquaphor Profesional offers a wide range ..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S800 ак...

Аквафор Эстония

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S800 ак...

36,000.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss S800 waterboss aquaphor. The Aquaphor WaterBoss S800 water softener..

Ejector kit for Waterboss

Waterboss США

Ejector kit for Waterboss

600.00 грн.

Ejector kit for Waterboss is responsible for the supply of salt rape in a tank with resin, which is ..

Showing 1 to 9 of 12 (2 Pages)

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