Ozon Viqua buy

Viqua ozone are simple and effective water disinsectors. The scope of Viqua ozone is quite wide, but the main areas of use are as follows: in everyday life - is the disinfection of water in swimming pools, and in commerce - is the disinfection of water in tanks, which pour water to customers at points of sale of purified water. The success of the Viqua ozon has been brought about by two indicators: efficiency and safety. We will talk about the effectiveness of Viqua ozonators below. As for safety, it is generally a masterpiece - the product of ozone decomposition is oxygen. What exactly wins in comparison with chlorine-containing disinsectants and preservatives.

ozone viqua


The process of disinfecting water with Viqua ozonators is quite simple. Ozone is formed from oxygen in the Viqua ozonator casing under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. A special compressor provides fresh air to the Viqua ozonator housing and moves ozone to consumption points, where the ozone tank dispenses water tanks (drinking water bottling point) or water circulation system (refers to swimming pools).

ozone sterilight


In addition to disinfecting properties, ozone has strong oxidizing properties, which oxidizes iron, which is dissolved in water, organic compounds and hydrogen sulfide. That is why Viqua ozonizers are often used as catalysts in reagent-free water purification systems, where small volumes require maximum efficiency, or the incoming water has a low Ph. In such reagent-free water purification systems, Viqua ozonators can be connected without a compressor and valves. You can use inexpensive plastic ejectors, which are already supplied to our market.
Maintenance of Viqua ozonizers is quite simple, with a frequency of once a year. This is a replacement bulb, compressor oil or ejector cleaning. The service life of the Viqua ozonator lamp replaceable is 9000 hours. Since the Viqua ozonator itself does not come into contact with water, it is not necessary to replace the quartz cover.
Popular Viqua ozonator models:
Viqua S2Q-OZ ozonizer and Viqua S8Q-OZ ozonizer

Replaceable lamps for Viqua ozonators:
Replaceable UV lamp Viqua S415ROL and Replaceable UV lamp Viqua S8ROL / 4P

Sterilight S2Q-OZ/2 Viqua

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Sterilight S2Q-OZ/2 Viqua

19,550.00 грн.

Sterilight S2Q-OZ/2 Viqua Features of Sterilight S2Q-OZ/2 Viqua: Max pow..

Sterilight S8Q-OZ/2 Viqua

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Sterilight S8Q-OZ/2 Viqua

25,500.00 грн.

Sterilight S8Q-OZ/2 Viqua Features of Sterilight S8Q-OZ/2 Viqua: Max pow..

Viqua S415ROL Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua S415ROL Sterilight

7,225.00 грн.

Emitted wavelength 254 nm Lamp life: 9000 hours Power 19 W Base: 4-pin, stepped, green Leng..

Viqua S8ROL/4P Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua S8ROL/4P Sterilight

8,670.00 грн.

Emitted wavelength 254 nm Lamp life: 9000 hours Power 36 W Base: 4-pin, stepped, green ..

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)

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