Viqua ballast buy

Viqua ballastViqua power supplies are very modern 

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electronic devices that operate on the principle of voltage division, which gives them a special versatility. The input voltage can vary from one hundred and ten to two hundred and forty volts and this in no way affects the output voltage and power supplied directly to the filaments of the Viqua UV lamp.
Viqua power supplies have other features that make them more reliable than other manufacturers of UV lamps. Now in order: a massive plug with grounding, as on the computer's power supply, which completely closes the socket, eliminating water ingress and short circuit, when servicing the system or in case of another emergency. By the way, the power cord of Viqua power supplies is no different from the power supply cord of a desktop computer, which is very convenient. At the same time, not only the Viqua power supply is grounded, but also the casing of the UV water disinfection system. Next - flexible wires in good insulation, do not dry out and do not break. A special clip that secures the Viqua connector 

of the power supply, directly on the ultraviolet water disinfection system. And of course the interface of Viqua power supplies is modern. The countdown timer shows how much time is left before the scheduled

Viqua блок питания


replacement of the UV paw, and an audible signal from the Viqua power supply will report a failure or breakdown.
Viqua power supplies differ in power and interfaces. More powerful Viqua power supplies are used for more productive UV disinfection systems. In the pharmaceutical industry, as in other industries, professional Viqua power supplies with ultraviolet intensity sensors, failure sensors for replaceable UV lamps, and many other technical solutions and innovations are used to eliminate malfunctions.

Attention! The power cord is not included in the power supply unit Viqua.

Most popular Viqua power supplies: Viqua BA-ICE-S, Viqua BA-ICE-C, Viqua BA-ICE-SO

Viqua 650733R-002 Sterilight

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Viqua BA-E36122 Sterilight

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0.00 грн.

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Viqua BA-ICE-C Sterilight

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Viqua BA-ICE-C Sterilight

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Viqua BA-ICE-CL Sterilight

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Viqua BA-ICE-CL Sterilight

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Viqua BA-ICE-HF Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua BA-ICE-HF Sterilight

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Viqua BA-ICE-S Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua BA-ICE-S Sterilight

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Viqua BA-ICE-SO Sterilight

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Viqua BA-VT/2 Sterilight

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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 (1 Pages)

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