UV Lamp Viqua buy

UV Lamp Viqua. 

Ultraviolet lamps for water disinfection come from various manufacturers, mostly Chinese. But in our article we will talk about Canadian UV lamps Viqua. The brand received this name two years ago, after rebranding. Popularly, these UV lamps are still called Sterilight. What is the advantage of Viqua TM products? 

UV lamp Viqua


The case as ultraviolet lamps and consumables for them.


High quality stainless steel, really does not rust.

Seamless body - withstands more pressure in the water supply network

Connection with both external and internal threads, which facilitates the installation of UV lamps and disassembly (if necessary).

High-quality replaceable ultraviolet lamps - work their certified 9000 hours and even more.

Protection against unqualified replacement - the base is made figuratively, which eliminates the connection error, I also want to draw attention to the fact that the base is ceramic, not plastic, which eliminates short circuits when overheating.

Additional pluses I consider packing in big pimples and a dense cardboard (UV lamps of Sterilight carriers strike much less often, than UV lamps of other manufacturers).

Also very impressive is the complete set of replaceable UV lamps and glass covers with two seals, respectively, you or the master will never have a problem that you need to travel many kilometers to buy seals.

Now about the cons, but these disadvantages apply to all ultraviolet lamps, not just Viqua.

A certain dosage of UV radiation per certain volume of water, so uv lamps should be chosen for their performance with priority to the greater side. For example, as the uv lamp should process 3 m3 / hour, the productivity of 2.7 m3 / hour is not suitable, and the next model already processes 4 m3 / hour, it is necessary to take more powerful.

Further, all ultraviolet lamps are sensitive to the content of iron and lime in water. The walls of quartz covers of uv lamps are covered with plaque, so sometimes you need to or clean

Cover, or change it. It is important to remember this.

The most vulnerable place of uv lamps are power supplies (ballasts), so it is very important to use a voltage stabilizer.

And now most importantly, when installing a UV lamp, be sure to leave room to remove the replaceable UV lamp. That is, from the connector connection side or from the plug side (rear side) you need to leave a free space equal to the length of the uv lamp.

UV lamp sterilight

The most popular models: viqua vp950viqua vp600, viqua s2q, sterilight s5q, sterilight s8q, viqua s12q.

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Sterilight Канада Viqua

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Sterilight Home S8Q-PA/2 Viqua

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Sterilight Home VH410/2 Viqua

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Sterilight Канада Viqua

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Showing 1 to 9 of 13 (2 Pages)

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