Water disinfection systems

The airborne systems of the water have become majestic in breadth in the whole world. Unfortunately, on an industrial scale, there are systems of water chlorination, but it is not our profile. We want to tell you about the modern ultraviolet systems of the water pollution, so that it doesn’t make you sick and don’t worry about the health of people. It also shows that the ultraviolet system of the disinfection system can be easily repaired for the design and maintenance, it is enough to replace the viprominuvac - change the UV lamp once per day. Minus you can vvazhat vysoku pochatkovu vartist, but this factor is easily overlapped by the simplicity of service. Water disinfection systems buy
The UV-controlled systems can be subdivided into two groups. The first vikoristovu ultraviolet viprominuvannya without intermediary for disinfection of water, which passes through the body of the water disinfection system, this UV disinfection zastosovyvaetsya for flow-through water supply systems. Other zastosovuє ultraviolet vipromіnyuvannya іnshoy spectrum for ozone decontamination from the atmosphere, such systems zastosovuyutsya water іn closed systems: pools, points of bottling water, as well as industrial aeration systems of purification of water, for example, in Kiev, for a long time, chlorine has not been removed chlorination of the water after the leakage of the tightness of the water supply system. A report on this technology of water disinfection can be recognized in the category of water ozonation.
What is important to know about the hour of choosing a system for UV radiation? The most important showcase is productivity, on which you can’t be rewarded! If you think that the productivity of 1.5 m3 / year is too rich, then remember that there are only three taps running at once, so please all the points of water intake in your home and do not forget to add a washing machine and a dishwasher. The next important factor is the system of contamination of the water, according to the recommendations, may be installed after the mechanical cleaning filters, znezalіzuvacha and help the water. In the other case, the replacement of the quartz cover of the obov'yazkov at once from the replacement of the replaceable UV lamp, then once on the river, which will save the cost of servicing approximately twice, and the cost of additional equipment and more special qualifications.

Water disinfection systems price

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