Water ozonation

Water ozonation is now the most modern water disinfection technology,ozonation of water buy while it is cheap, effective and not harmful to humans and the environment. As for the cost of water ozonation equipment, it is not cheap, but maintenance is very budget-friendly. That is, you once spent money on a set of water ozonation equipment, then once a year you simply change the UV lamp and clean the ejector (or do compressor maintenance).
The principle of operation of the ozonator for water is very simple, ozone O3 is produced from atmospheric oxygen O2 under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. And then through the ejector or compressor, this ozone is dosed into the water supply system, where the water is already disinfected. By the way, ozone is a very strong catalyst of oxidation reactions, so ozonation of water leads to oxidation of iron and organic compounds in water. This information must be taken into account when designing water disinfection systems based on water ozonation technologies, or water deironing systems where water ozonators are used as catalysts for iron oxidation to iron oxides and hydroxides. Usually, water ozonizers are placed in the water supply system in front of column-type water de-iron filters based on Burmese fillings or catalytic coal. The use of water ozonizers makes it possible to use columns for deironing water with a hydrogen index of less than eight units, and to reduce the amount of filter material loading by 20%.
Previously, ozonation technologies were used only for swimming pools, but now water disinfection with ozone is used in flow-type water supply systems, for example, in the city of Kyiv, chlorine dosing systems have been replaced by water disinfection systems that work on the principle of water ozonation.

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