Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN buy Kiev

Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN price

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Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN price Киев

  • Price: 45,185.00 грн.

Reverse osmosis Aquafor ОСМО-800-5-PN is designed to obtain high-quality drinking water from waters with a high salt content. These systems do an excellent job of purifying water in small businesses, restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as in private homes where the water contains high concentrations of salts. Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN filtering modules: 1. A mechanical filter m..

Tags: Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN buy, Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN price, Reverse osmosis Aquaphor

Reverse osmosis Aquafor ОСМО-800-5-PN is designed to obtain high-quality drinking water from waters with a high salt content. These systems do an excellent job of purifying water in small businesses, restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as in private homes where the water contains high concentrations of salts.

Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN filtering modules:

1. A mechanical filter made of pressed polypropylene with a porosity of 5 μm is made of pure polypropylene.

2. The block carbon filter is made of high-quality activated carbon, which improves the organoleptic parameters of water.

3. Highly selective TFC membrane with a capacity of 800 gallons (2500 L/day at a water temperature of at least 25 C).

4. carbon post-filter. It is installed to improve the taste and smell of water.

Specifications Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN:
Productivity: 2500 l/day
Working temperature: 4-40 °C
Tube sizes: 1/4” and 3/8”
Size (HxWxD): 850x460x290 mm
Manufacturer: Aquaphor

Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / h800 gal/day
Diameter of connection, in.1/4” and 3/8”
Height, cm.85 cm

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Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN price Киев и другие города Украины

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