RAIFIL GRANDO 7 with pump on the bed buy Kiev

RAIFIL GRANDO 7 with pump on the bed price

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RAIFIL GRANDO 7 with pump on the bed price Киев

  • Price: 0.00 грн.
  • Brands Raifil Тайвань
  • Product Code: Обратный осмос Raifil GRANDO 7 с насосом на станине
  • Availability: In Stock

Reverse osmosis Raifil GRANDO 7 with a pump on the bed - a system for purifying drinking water. The Raifil GRANDO 7 reverse osmosis system with a pump on the bed has 7 stages of purification: 1. Removal of various mechanical impurities larger than 10 microns. 2. A cartridge of pressed activated carbon removes remaining chlorine, organics and mechanical impurities. 3. Granular coal cartridg..

Tags: Reverse osmosis Raifil GRANDO 7 with pump on the bed buy, Reverse osmosis, Reverse osmosis Raifil GRANDO 7 with pump on the bed price

Reverse osmosis Raifil GRANDO 7 with a pump on the bed - a system for purifying drinking water.

The Raifil GRANDO 7 reverse osmosis system with a pump on the bed has 7 stages of purification:

1. Removal of various mechanical impurities larger than 10 microns.
2. A cartridge of pressed activated carbon removes remaining chlorine, organics and mechanical impurities.
3. Granular coal cartridge. It has good sorption and effectively removes chlorine and organic impurities.
4. The main element in reverse osmosis is the reverse osmosis membrane. Only water and oxygen molecules pass through it, and the rest of the impurities are washed down the drain. This system has an American Raifil 50 GPD membrane that produces 8 liters of water per hour.
5. The post-filter purifies water, improves the taste and smell of water.
6. The mineralizer enriches the water with useful minerals, such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium. It gives the water an improved taste, makes it more useful, and also adjusts the pH.
7. Raifil bioceramic cartridge. The cartridge structures the water and even adjusts the pH level of the water.

The system is equipped with a standard double faucet. Therefore, you can use separately purified water and separately use structured water with minerals.
The Rayfil reverse osmosis system is equipped with a 12-liter metal storage tank.

Specifications Reverse osmosis Raifil GRANDO 7 with pump on the bed:
Cleaning steps: 7
Capacity: 75 gal/day
Working pressure: 2.8-6 atm
Tank size: 410x290 mm
System size: 480x200x400 mm
Manufacturer: Raifil

Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / h75 gal/day
Diameter of connection, in.1"
Height, cm.48 cm

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