Обратный осмос Leader RO-6-bio

Обратный осмос Leader RO-6-bio

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Обратный осмос Leader RO-6-bio Киев

  • Price: 11,000.00 грн.
  • Brands Leader Польша
  • Product Code: Фильтр обратный осмос Leader RO-6-bio
  • Availability: In Stock

Reverse osmosis Leader RO-6 bio, is best suited for a user who has not been able to determine the dispute over dead and living water. There are only two principal positions and they are completely opposite. Reverse osmosis Leader RO-6-bio is a filter model that is suitable for the most demanding consumer of drinking water, because permeate flows from one tap, which is ideal for cooking food and dr..

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Reverse osmosis Leader RO-6 bio, is best suited for a user who has not been able to determine the dispute over dead and living water. There are only two principal positions and they are completely opposite. Reverse osmosis Leader RO-6-bio is a filter model that is suitable for the most demanding consumer of drinking water, because permeate flows from one tap, which is ideal for cooking food and drinks. And from the other reverse osmosis tap Leader RO-6-bio water flows after miniralization and bioactivation, which will satisfy not only the taste buds, but also all the needs of the human body.

Features Reverse Osmosis Leader RO-6 bio:

Maximum useful volume of water 10 L
Max. consumption of clean water in l. / draining into the sewerage in l. 1L / 8L
Maximum productivity280 L/day
Volume of the tank 12 L
Disinfection of water by ultravioletNo
Pressure boosting pumpNo
Connecting dimensions   1/2”
Working pressure in the water supply system (min - max)4 - 6 atm
Approximate term of filter replacement3-6 months
Electrical Characteristics----
Max. water temperature40 °С
Permissible water pressure (min - max)2,5 - 8 atm
width and length37,5 х 14,6 cm
Height38,1 cm
Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / hless than 280 liters per day
Diameter of connection, in.1/2"

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