Reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6 buy Ukraine

Reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6 buy

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Reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6 buy Киев

  • Price: 0.00 грн.
  • Brands Raifil Тайвань
  • Product Code: Фильтр обратный осмос Raifil Grando 6
  • Availability: In Stock

Reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6, an excellent drinking water purification system for an apartment. The main advantages, such as excellent thick plastic, fittings, adapters, automation and storage tank, are produced in Taiwan at the specialized plant "CCK". In addition, reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6 has a quality tap of drinking water and an increased size of the storage tank, which is ..

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Reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6, an excellent drinking water purification system for an apartment. The main advantages, such as excellent thick plastic, fittings, adapters, automation and storage tank, are produced in Taiwan at the specialized plant "CCK". In addition, reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6 has a quality tap of drinking water and an increased size of the storage tank, which is very convenient when the family is large and one-time water intake is quite substantial and can amount to more than ten liters. Reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6, will help to forget about the problems associated with clean water, it is enough to carry out maintenance every six months - the replacement of the preliminary filters, and once every twelve months you will have to replace the post-filter and minilizer.

Characteristics Reverse osmosis Raifil Grando 6:

Maximum useful volume of water 12 L
Max. consumption of clean water in l. / draining into the sewerage in l. 1L / 8L
Maximum productivity190 L/day
Volume of the tank 12 L
Disinfection of water by ultravioletNo
Pressure boosting pumpNo
Connecting dimensions   1/2”
Working pressure in the water supply system (min - max)4 - 6 atm
Approximate term of filter replacement3-6 months
Electrical Characteristics----
Max. water temperature40 °С
Permissible water pressure (min - max)2,5 - 8 atm
width and length37,5 х 14,6 cm
Height38,1 cm
Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / hless than 190 liters per day
Diameter of connection, in.1/2"

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