обратный осмос Аквафор ОСМО-050-5

обратный осмос Аквафор ОСМО-050-5

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обратный осмос Аквафор ОСМО-050-5 Киев

  • Price: 6,999.00 грн.

Reverse osmosis Aquafor OSMO-050-5, is the most budgetary model in our range. Here, you save on everything. In the reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-050-5, the storage tank is only eight liters (approximately five to six liters of useful water), a tap of drinking water with a 3/8 "ceramic bead, a plastic bracket and two polypropylene filters in the pre-treatment unit. Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSM..

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Reverse osmosis Aquafor OSMO-050-5, is the most budgetary model in our range. Here, you save on everything. In the reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-050-5, the storage tank is only eight liters (approximately five to six liters of useful water), a tap of drinking water with a 3/8 "ceramic bead, a plastic bracket and two polypropylene filters in the pre-treatment unit. Reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-050-5 includes a quality Chinese reverse osmosis membrane of fifty gallons.The service life of reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-050-5 is from two to five years.In addition to the membrane, there is another advantage - a flow limiter, which th is suitable for a membrane, which is very rare for low-cost models of reverse osmosis, usually draining water into the sewerage system is seriously overestimated.

Characteristics of reverse osmosis Aquaphor OSMO-050-5:

Maximum useful volume of water 6 L
Max. consumption of clean water in l. / draining into the sewerage in l. 1L / 8L
Maximum productivity190 L/day
Volume of the tank 8 L
Disinfection of water by ultravioletNo
Pressure boosting pumpNo
Connecting dimensions   1/2”
Working pressure in the water supply system (min - max)4 - 6 atm
Approximate term of filter replacement3-6 months
Electrical Characteristics----
Max. water temperature40 °С
Permissible water pressure (min - max)2,5 - 8 atm
width and length35,5 х 12,6 cm
Height35,1 cm
Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / hless than 190 liters per day
Diameter of connection, in.1/2"

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Чтобы купить обратный осмос Аквафор ОСМО-050-5, уточнить цену, узнать о наличии, звоните: +38 (097) 752-54-75 +38 (063) 425-29-54