TGI 525 обратный осмос США

TGI 525 обратный осмос США

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TGI 525 обратный осмос США Киев

  • Price: 14,112.00 грн.

TGI 525 US Reverse Osmosis is a high-quality reverse osmosis water purification system that is definitely suitable for apartments. The main condition for the TGI 525 reverse osmosis of the United States is the pressure of at least four atmospheres in the water supply. You can use the system and at lower pressure, but then the replacement of filters will occur more often than once every six months,..

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TGI 525 US Reverse Osmosis is a high-quality reverse osmosis water purification system that is definitely suitable for apartments. The main condition for the TGI 525 reverse osmosis of the United States is the pressure of at least four atmospheres in the water supply. You can use the system and at lower pressure, but then the replacement of filters will occur more often than once every six months, respectively, maintenance costs TGI 525 reverse osmosis of the US will significantly increase. The main thing is in this osmosis, that after its installation it is not necessary to worry about any leakage or automation failure in the next five or even ten years. When servicing the TGI 525, the reverse osmosis of the United States is a competent wizard, this filter will last for ten years, after which it is morally obsolete, but it will not affect its operation and quality of cleaning.

Characteristics TGI 625 Reverse Osmosis USA:

  • WQA Gold Seal.
  • NSF certified. System parts tested and certified to ANSI/NSF standard 58.
    Choose either:
  • Comes with faucet and 4 Gallon Tank.

    Unit 525 is chosen by the United Nations (UNHCR, United Nations Commissioner for Refugees)

    Shipping Dimensions: 
  •  18'' L x 17'' W x 20'' H, Weight 39 lb.
Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / hless than 280 liters per day
Diameter of connection, in.1/2"

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Чтобы купить TGI 525 обратный осмос США, уточнить цену, узнать о наличии, звоните: +38 (097) 752-54-75 +38 (063) 425-29-54