Power supply for UV disinfectant

The power supply for the UV lamp is a high-tech and energy-efficient device. power supply for the UV lamp buyThe principle of operation of the power supply for a UV lamp is based on a voltage divider, which made it possible to exclude transformers from the electrical circuit, which are expensive to manufacture and have a very low efficiency. Unification has become an additional bonus, now power supplies for UV lamps operate in the voltage range from 110V to 240V. Therefore, UV lamp power supplies work in both North America and Europe without upgrades or changes. Even basic ballasts for UV lamps are equipped with a lamp replacement timer, a lamp or ballast failure sensor, an audible signal for lamp replacement or an error in the operation of the UV lamp power power supply for the UV lamp pricesupply. The operation of ballasts in a voltage mode of less than 220V is extremely important for autonomous water supply in rural areas and in summer cottages. But you also need to remember about voltage surges of more than 220V, which is extremely dangerous for power supplies for UV lamps.
It is important to remember that the power cord of the power supplies for the UV lamp is not included in the kit. Therefore, do not throw away the cord from the old ballast. At the same time, the cord is unified, the power cord from a personal computer is ideal.

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