Water softener Aquaphor S550 buy

Water softener Aquaphor S550 buy

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Water softener Aquaphor S550 buy Киев

  • Price: 37,999.00 грн.

Water softener Aquaphor S550 Aquaphor S550 Water Softeners, the minimal model, is the model for small families. The Model Aquaphor S550 can soften up to 40 grains per gallon while reducing up to 3 ppm (parts per million) of ferrous iron, and filter dirt and sediment. Aquaphor S550 Softener Facts It features a built-in, self-cleaning whole-house filter meaning tha..

Tags: Water filter Aquaphor S550, Water softener Aquaphor S550

Water softener Aquaphor S550

Aquaphor S550 Water Softeners, the minimal model, is the model for small families. The Model Aquaphor S550 can soften up to 40 grains per gallon while reducing up to 3 ppm (parts per million) of ferrous iron, and filter dirt and sediment.
Aquaphor S550 Softener Facts
It features a built-in, self-cleaning whole-house filter meaning that there are no cartridges to change.
The Aquaphor S550 offers apartment softening.
It can also function as an iron water filter reducing clear water iron up to 3 ppm.
Effectively treats most well water problems.
The Aquaphor S550 Softener takes just 18 minutes and uses around 17 gallons of water for the regeneration process. In addition, 2 pounds of salt are needed for regeneration.

Water softener Aquaphor S550

technical characteristics of Aquaphor S550

Max. Compensated Hardness  40 Grains Per Gallon (gpg)
Length of Regeneration 18 Minutes
Water Used Per Regeneration 17 Gallons
Salt Storage Capacity 90 lbs.
Max. Water Temperature  Degrees Fahrenheit 120 Degrees Fahrenheit
Water Pressure (Min./Max. PSI) 20-120 PSI  
Footprint(WxD)11 3/4" x 18 3/4"
Height  21 3/4"

Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / h1,2 м3/h
Diameter of connection, in.1"
Connection thread
Height, cm.55,6 cm
Depth, cm.47 cm

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