water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 aquaphor

water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 aquaphor

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water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 aquaphor Киев

  • Price: 38,999.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 waterboss aquaphor. Aquaphor Profesional offers a wide range of solutions for commercial water treatment applications. We provide expertise and solutions for medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, food and other commercial applications. Aquaphor Professional’s product lines Water Softeners. Medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, food and other com..

Tags: Water filter WaterBoss S1000 P1, Water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1, WaterBoss aquaphor S1000 P1

Water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 waterboss aquaphor.

Aquaphor Profesional offers a wide range of solutions for commercial water treatment applications. We provide expertise and solutions for medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, food and other commercial applications. Aquaphor Professional’s product lines Water Softeners. Medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, food and other commercial applicationsWater softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 waterboss aquaphor. Aquaphor Models S1000 P1 have fully automatic processor control and demonstrate exceptional salt efficiency and high iron removal. Innovative Dual Core Valves increase regeneration. Efficient and durable softener tank contains extra fine mesh, tightly compacted, chlorine resistant ion-exchange resin.

Can be used for chlorinated water or water containing hydrogen sulfide.

Water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 waterboss aquaphor

Exceptional salt efficiency
Removal of high concentration of Fe (up to 15 ppm);
10-year warranty;
Made in the USA;
NSF certification pending

Aquaphor S1000 P1 contains 28 litres of ion-exchange resin


Waterboss Attributes
Productivity, m3 / h2 м3/h
Diameter of connection, in.1"
Connection thread
Height, cm.79,5 cm
Depth, cm.48,5 cm

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