Dismantling of reverse osmosis systems in the Kiev region

Dismantling of reverse osmosis systems in the Kiev region

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Dismantling of reverse osmosis systems in the Kiev region Киев

  • Price: 1,200.00 грн.
  • Product Code: Демонтаж систем обратного осмоса в Киеве
  • Availability: In Stock

Dismantling of reverse osmosis systems in the Kiev region dismantling of the reverse osmosis system in the Kiev region should be carried out by a specialist in order to correctly dismantle all units connected to the water supply system, sewage system and dismantle the drinking water tap from the sink (or disconnect it from the mixer for three waters). There are two types of reverse osmosis..

Tags: Dismantling of reverse osmosis systems in the Kiev region, Демонтаж систем обратного осмоса в Киеве, Reverse osmosis

Dismantling of reverse osmosis systems in the Kiev region

dismantling of the reverse osmosis system in the Kiev region should be carried out by a specialist in order to correctly dismantle all units connected to the water supply system, sewage system and dismantle the drinking water tap from the sink (or disconnect it from the mixer for three waters). There are two types of reverse osmosis dismantling: reverse osmosis dismantling to replace it with another filter and reverse osmosis dismantling to move to another place of operation.
With the dismantling of reverse osmosis in order to install another filter, no questions arise. But dismantling reverse osmosis for the purpose of moving has several hidden pitfalls. You will need a set of plugs, also be prepared that you will need to leave some accessories. The drain clamp together with the plug remains on the siphon when dismantling the reverse osmosis filter, and you will also have to leave the drinking water tap so as not to leave a hole in the sink through which water will drip. Again, all cases are individual. Our foreman on site can advise and correctly carry out the dismantling of reverse osmosis.
Reverse osmosis dismantling services for replacement with another filter do not include installation of a new filter, but a 30% discount applies to the installation of a new filter.

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