Disinfection water softener in Kiev

Disinfection water softener in Kiev

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Disinfection water softener in Kiev Киев

  • Price: 1,080.00 грн.
  • Brands Waterboss США
  • Product Code: Дезинфекция умягчитель воды Киев
  • Availability: In Stock

Disinfection of softeners in Kiev became a necessity, after the city services stopped chlorination of water. Chlorination of municipal water prevented the growth of colonies of bacteria in the middle of the water supply, and therefore the bacteria did not fall into the water softener. For disinfection, softening water to Kiev, our service master arrives at the object with a solution of disinsectac..

Tags: Water filter Disinfection water softener in Kiev, Disinfection water softener in Kiev, Disinfection water softener

Disinfection of softeners in Kiev became a necessity, after the city services stopped chlorination of water. Chlorination of municipal water prevented the growth of colonies of bacteria in the middle of the water supply, and therefore the bacteria did not fall into the water softener. For disinfection, softening water to Kiev, our service master arrives at the object with a solution of disinsectact, such as the well-known sodium hypochlorite. During disinfection of water softeners in Kiev it is necessary to ventilate the room. When disinfecting a water softener, it is imperative to change the pre-filters and heat the boiler to the maximum temperature. To disinfect a water softener - a means for disinfection pumped unpopulated in a tank with a resin, after which the residues sodium hypochlorite washed off to the sewer.

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