Replacement of resin in waterboss water softeners in Kiev

Replacement of resin in waterboss water softeners in Kiev

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Replacement of resin in waterboss water softeners in Kiev Киев

  • Price: 2,880.00 грн.
  • Brands Waterboss США
  • Product Code: Замена смолы в waterboss умягчителе воды в Киеве
  • Availability: In Stock

Replacing the resin in waterboss water softeners in Kiev is needed when the softening system is not working properly. Especially during untimely regenerations, or did not pick up a salt rape from a salt tank. With such an incorrect work, after several days the ion-exchange resin loses its capacity. The reason for this are the zeoli ions that are oxidized inside the resin, selecting part of its cap..

Tags: Water filter Replacement of the resin in waterboss water softener in Kiev, Replacement of the resin in waterboss water softener in Kiev, Replacement of the resin in waterboss water softener

Replacing the resin in waterboss water softeners in Kiev is needed when the softening system is not working properly. Especially during untimely regenerations, or did not pick up a salt rape from a salt tank. With such an incorrect work, after several days the ion-exchange resin loses its capacity. The reason for this are the zeoli ions that are oxidized inside the resin, selecting part of its capacity, and then removing them from the resin is not possible, even when using catalysts. When replacing a resin in waterboss water softeners in Kiev are using two types of resins, depending on the amount of soluble iron in water. To replace the resin in waterboss water softeners in Kiev, only fine-grained resins are used for purolite with an iron content of no more than 0.5 mg / l and an ecotourizer with a high concentration of iron in water.

Attention in the cost of the work does not include the price for ion exchange resin.

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