Viqua quartz cover buy

Viqua Quartz Case is a very simple but very useful thing. The main function of the Viqua quartz cover is to protect the UV lamp from water ingress, while ultraviolet radiation must pass through the Viqua quartz cover unhindered, otherwise there will be no use from the Viqua UV disinfectant. Usually, the UV disinfection system is installed after the iron removal and water softening systems, then everything is simple once every two years, when the UV lamp is replaced, the Viqua quartz cover is removed and wiped from mucus or plaque. But if water treatment systems are not installed, then it is imperative to change the Viqua quartz cover once a year along with the UV lamp, and maybe even more often. It already depends on the amount of iron and hardness salts in the water used. Why change, but because simply wiping off the Viqua quartz cover from limescale and iron will not work, as an option, you can boil it in a concentrated solution of citric or acetic acid, though this is a rather troublesome task. 

viqua quartz cover sterilight


When replacing or removing the Viqua quartz cover, you must first drain all water from the casing of the UV disinfection system, dismantle the seals, and only then remove the Viqua quartz cover. Be sure to find new seals in the package with the Viqua quartz cover and put them in, this will protect the UV lamp from a short circuit when water gets in and keep the power supply of the UV water disinfection system in working order. To replace the Viqua quartz cover, I recommend contacting a specialist, so you will save your time and money, because a specialist must have the necessary tools with him, as well as tools and technologies for diagnosing malfunctions.
The most popular Viqua quartz cases are:
Viqua Quartz Case QS-463, Viqua Quartz Case QS-810, Viqua Quartz Case QS-012, Viqua Quartz Case QS-600, Viqua Quartz Case QS-950

Viqua QS-001 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-001 Sterilight

1,979.44 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-001 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose           ..

Viqua QS-012 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-012 Sterilight

3,872.81 грн.

Features of Viqua Case QS-012 Sterilight Quartz: Purpose           ..

Viqua QS-064 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-064 Sterilight

9,639.00 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-064 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose           ..

Viqua QS-100 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-100 Sterilight

2,409.75 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-100 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Viqua QS-180 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-180 Sterilight

5,594.06 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-180 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Viqua QS-212 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-212 Sterilight

1,807.31 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-212 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Viqua QS-212D Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-212D Sterilight

2,237.63 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-212D Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose           ..

Viqua QS-287D Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-287D Sterilight

2,581.88 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-287D Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          ..

Viqua QS-320 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-320 Sterilight

2,926.13 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-320 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Showing 1 to 9 of 20 (3 Pages)

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Чтобы купить Viqua quartz cover buy, уточнить цену, узнать о наличии, звоните: +38 (097) 752-54-75 +38 (063) 425-29-54