Quartz covers for UV water disinfection systems

The quartz cover for the UV lamp acts as a Quartz cover for UV lamp priceprotective barrier between the UV lamp and the water flow. Visually, the quartz cover for the UV lamp is a glass tube, slightly longer than the UV lamp. For the correct selection of a quartz drain for a UV lamp, when replacing, it is necessary to know the manufacturer and model of the UV disinfection system. The service life of a quartz drain is from 1 to 5 years and depends on the quality of the water supplied to the UV disinfection system. How to check the quartz cover for a UV lamp for operability is quite simple: turn off the power, dismantle the cartridge and lamp together with grounding, drain the water from the UV disinfection system completely, remove the back plug, then dismantle two seals (new ones come with a lamp or a cover) and finally, take out the quartz drain, wipe it well. There should not be any deposits or turbidity, and there should not be any cracks, then the quartz cover for the UV lamp can be used further, otherwise, we recommend replacing it. There is another question why it is necessary to change the quartz drain every five years, even if it is in perfect condition, it seems that the glass does not deteriorate. It should be taken into account that the quartz cover for the UV lamp experiences constant thermal deformation loads: on the one hand, the UV lamp heats it up, and on the other hand, the water cools it, so there is a temperature difference between the inner and outer walls, which is why thermal deformation occurs, and then destruction.

Quartz cover for UV lamp price

Viqua QS-001 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-001 Sterilight

1,979.44 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-001 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose           ..

Viqua QS-012 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-012 Sterilight

3,872.81 грн.

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Viqua QS-064 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-064 Sterilight

9,639.00 грн.

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Viqua QS-100 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-100 Sterilight

2,409.75 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-100 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Viqua QS-180 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-180 Sterilight

5,594.06 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-180 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Viqua QS-212 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-212 Sterilight

1,807.31 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-212 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Viqua QS-212D Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-212D Sterilight

2,237.63 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-212D Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose           ..

Viqua QS-287D Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-287D Sterilight

2,581.88 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-287D Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          ..

Viqua QS-320 Sterilight

Sterilight Канада Viqua

Viqua QS-320 Sterilight

2,926.13 грн.

Features of Viqua QS-320 Sterilight Quartz Case: Purpose          &..

Showing 1 to 9 of 26 (3 Pages)

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