Waterboss buy

Waterboss family of systems of softening and deironing of water reagent way, native to the United States of America. Waterboss combines all the advanced achievements and many years of experience of the pioneers of water treatment systems, which includes deironing and water softening. Of course, we will not forget to mention the third Reich, which had seized documents on the technology of production and operation of cation-exchange resins and reverse osmosis membranes, which initiated the introduction of these technologies in the everyday life of consumers.

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We will penetrate deeper into the process of water softening and de-ironing waterboss systems. For this, it is necessary to recall two basic postulates of physics from the school course: the structure of the molecule and the process of diffusion of substances in the liquid state, specifically water. Most importantly, the substances in the dissolved state do not have strong bonds among the atoms, so the process of replacing some ions with others in water is not particularly difficult. That's how in the process of softening and de-ironing water systems of complex waterboss water treatment, some ions are replaced by others. As a result, we get the concentration of salts and free ions with a negative charge the same as in the initial water, but the qualitative composition is completely different. Instead of salts of hardness (calcium and magnesium salts - calcareous deposits), as well as ions of ferrous iron, sodium ions enter the composition of salts and water, interacting with other particles no longer form white or red deposits on the plumbing, pool or anything else.

Let's go back to the topic of waterboss, why do I recommend choosing them? The question is complicated, because the Chinese equipment earn more? There are several reasons for this (comparison data are given for systems of the collon type, similar in terms of productivity criteria and capacity of the filtration load):

1. The water consumption per regeneration is three times less 

water softening waterboss


2. Salt consumption per regeneration is twice less

3. The height of the water softening system is 1.5-2 times less

4. The occupied area in the technical room is 1.5-2 times less

5. Service life of the filtering charge is longer than

6. Simplicity in maintenance and repair (block control system)

Reliability and longevity: when I'm asked a question, about "what does a waterboss break like without water?" I answer: "We'll fix it." And how many years before that he worked and did you provide him technical care? " To which, usually, I get the answer: "seven, eight, ten years." And that it was necessary to carry out maintenance ...... "

Water softener WaterBoss 900

Waterboss США

Water softener WaterBoss 900

50,999.00 грн.

This product is not available. Pay attention to a similar product: Filtrons 1252 BTS-70L Filtrons X5..

Water softener WaterBoss S550P waterboss aquaphor

Waterboss США

Water softener WaterBoss S550P waterboss aquaphor

37,999.00 грн.33,000.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss S550P waterboss aquaphor.   The Aquaphor WaterBoss S550 water so..

Water softener WaterBoss S800 P1 waterboss aquaph...

Аквафор Эстония

Water softener WaterBoss S800 P1 waterboss aquaph...

36,000.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss S800 P1 waterboss aquaphor. The Aquaphor WaterBoss S800 P..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss 400  Water...

Waterboss США

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss 400 Water...

44,999.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss 400  WaterBoss 400 Water Softeners, the minimal model, is the ..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss 700 c пр...

Waterboss США

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss 700 c пр...

0.00 грн.

Special offer Water softener WaterBoss 700 and filter BB20": Water softener WaterB..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss 700 WaterB...

Waterboss США

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss 700 WaterB...

44,999.00 грн.

Attention, this product is out of stock, please pay attention to the analogue: Complex cleaning Filt..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss A1000 ак...

Аквафор Эстония

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss A1000 ак...

0.00 грн.

This product is not available, please pay attention to a similar product: Complex cleaning Filtrons ..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss A800 ак...

Аквафор Эстония

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss A800 ак...

0.00 грн.

This product is not available, please pay attention to a similar product: Complex cleaning Filtrons ..

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S1000 P1 ...

Аквафор Эстония

Умягчитель воды WaterBoss S1000 P1 ...

44,000.00 грн.

Water softener WaterBoss S1000 P1 waterboss aquaphor. Aquaphor Profesional offers a wid..

Showing 1 to 9 of 39 (5 Pages)

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